Thursday, July 17, 2008

Bioengineered Pets - WTF!!?

I had a hard time figuring out whether this is a joke or real. But unfortunately seems to be real!!

I have to admit, it's kind of cool to have a rather strange pet, but still the idea of playing with nature like this as well as putting a living "thing" in a retail box is very disturbing and bothers the hell out of me!

If we're going to have bioengineered pets on the store shelves soon, it's not hard to imagine ending up having an Incredible Hulk on the streets in the future. The new Hulk is a nice movie by the way, worth watching.

What do you guys and gals think? Would you buy a pet like this for yourself or your children?

Check it out for yourself:

Bioengineered Buddies


Anonymous said...

Well, it sure fooled me!

It's very well done for a hoax, from the website to the retailer catalogue and everything!

Good thing we don't have to worry about a Hulk walking down the street, just YET..

MamaFlo said...

Still the mere thought of something like this being real is as the poster said "Disturbing"

Anonymous said...

wow, that does look pretty real - funny. Someday soon it will be for sure...

Iris said...

I don't know, the world is getting scrarier each day even kids stuff. It is disturbing.

Anonymous said...

Whether it's a hoax or not, they still look creepy.

Anonymous said...

that is totally disgusting and intriguing at the same time, certainly gets your attention, but...

Anonymous said...

I just read an article on Snopes about this. It says that a 24 yd old Canadian commercial artist created the packages and website to make people think. Well it sure does make people think!

Goddess said...

Supposedly, this is "art."

HawgWyld said...

There's no way in hell I'd buy a pet like that. It's just too creepy.

This may be a hoax for now, but just wait...

The Natural State Hawg

Henson Ray said...

Yes, that image is rather disturbing. I imagine all those wires and tubes going into the plastic boxes are supposedly to there to help sustain the life of the product on the shelves?

Anonymous said...

it looks weird and creepy... i wouldn't want one even if it's for free.

Anonymous said...

These bioengineered pets are just way too freaky...if I bump into it in the dark, it sure will scare the hell out of me!