Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Give away HUGE bonuses!

If 90% never claim their one-on-one then that's a tragedy, because the one-on-one could easily lead to further paid consultancy, follow up courses, workshops or JV deals. Bonuses can be a great way to lead the customer towards the next sale.

Here's one way of approaching bonuses:

1. Supplementary. The bonus is a natural supplement to the product. EG: Product: copywriting course. Bonus: 101 attention grabbing headlines.

2. Developmental. The bonus takes you further than the product would have done. EG: Product: copywriting course. Bonus: Advanced techniques for copywriters. Especially good where you need to differentiate yourself in a crowded competitive market.

3. Personalised. The bonus supports you in achieving the goals of the product. EG: Product: copywriting course. Bonus: personal coaching with top copywriter. Personalising the bonus can be an effective way of leading the customer towards mentoring and coaching programmes.

4. Commercial. The bonus helps you to create a commercial benefit from the product. EG: Product: copywriting course. Bonus: Directory of journals that use freelance copywriters and how to get your first commission. Especially good for high ticket items where you can justify the cost with a direct return in income.

5. Unrelated - but attractive to the typical customer. EG: Product: copywriting course. Bonus: ultimate guide to PC optimisation.

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