Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Article Marketing Secrets

The first key to successful article marketing:

The title of the article

This is critical, as it sets the stage for your article body and the mindset for the reader to visit the link in your resource box. Critical items to pay attention to in the title...

It has to grab the reader's attention. Tips here include using the words "How To", or numbered list titles including "3 Ways To..." or "5 Critical Ideas Surrounding..." etc...

Your article has to be interesting. Contrary to what is out there on the internet, you must write interesting and engaging content...period. It cannot just be an accumulation of words that mean nothing except to Google.

You are writing to people. That is the key to keep in mind. You are working for your reader, not Google.

With that being said...

Your main keyword or phrase must be as close to the first words in your title as possible. For example...

If your key words are "Fly Fishing"...you could write a title like this:

"3 Ways Fly Fishing Is Better Than Trolling" etc...

Now, on to the MOST important part of your article besides the title...

The Resource Box.

Copywriting is essential here. It is not just a place to put:

Brian Johnson is an expert in blah blah blah, so visit his site today at .


In your resource box, put something that excites the reader and prepares them to receive whatever you are advertising at your link...

"If you would like to discover 542 ways to make money online starting today, and use those ways immediately to generate Paypal cash...visit "

That was "off the cuff" as they say, I would seriously put some thought into your resource box before actually publishing it.

Key words can appear in your resource box as well.

One more tip...

Use your article to prepare the reader's mind to "take the next step", which is to check out whatever you are linking to...right?

Don't just end article/go to resource box...

Instead... end article/transition before resource box/go to resource box.


infinitewebprofit said...

A well-written article title is indeed very important in article marketing. For your article to show up in search engines, creating a keyword rich title is crucial. Still many people greatly overlooked this.

Anonymous said...

I find for myself that if I dont get caught on the title of the post I will often move on pretty quick.