Monday, July 28, 2008

$150 in free facebook ads

Totals $150, they can all be activated. You need to register a credit card with them. Make sure you limit your campaigns and watch them closely - facebook has been known to let campaigns run over their daily limit and charge for it.

$50 Free Facebook Coupon Code : T5V6-1JKV-TNH9-2MRH
$50 Free Facebook Coupon Code : 2JXY-WTFK-72Y0-VJ6Y
$50 Free Facebook Coupon Code : R1X5-0NH7-5FXW-5YEC

Also get a $100 Facebook ad coupon when you sign up for the Visa Business Network App

Coupon will arrive via email.

To change your daily spending limit. Ads Manager -> Edit. Set it to $50 or whatever you want your daily limit to be.



LaTease "Teasas Tips" said...

all 3 codes are expired

Anonymous said...

Sorry about that, but they did work the day i posted.


Anonymous said...

ah suck coupons expired lol